14 March 2007

Can you believe it?!

This goes to show you where we have gone as a society! Just look at how commercial advertising encourages animal abuse in CHILDREN! Have we no shame? Have we lost all respect for these poor, helpless, innocent animals made by God? Who knows what one can hope to see next! I must ask, why has the APSCA done nothing to stop this? How can such people not want to intervene when such outrages on poor animals are committed! What hypocrites! Is there no decency in the world? Are we nearing the end? Has Britney Spears gone mad? Will her hair ever be the same again? AHHH!!!!
(lol) No, I'm not crazy, nor am I a radical animal rights fanatic, rest assured. I actually found this picture today and thought it was adorable. It made me smile and I hope does for you too. And don't mind my silly humor, it's part of my pre-spring fever ;-) Speaking of which, only 6 more days until the vernal equinox.. Yahhh! I can't wait!! Well ciao amicos, sta bene!

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