24 June 2006

Yes, Virginia, Anne is alive.

My heavens it has been some time since I've been on this thing. To all those faithful readers of mine who have been pining for my return I do apologize for my prolonged absence. School is school and being the obsessive perfectionist that I am, have not had much time to create blogs for you to feast upon. Je suis desole.
Now to move onto bigger and better topics...
The picture I've posted was taken about three weeks ago. My sister finally had her USA reception and thus her wedding is offically over. I don't mean to sound like the party pooper, but it was a lot of stress waiting for this event so now it's said and done and life can continue on. Hmmm, what to write about? It's amazing how challenging it is for me to jump back into writing after it's been months since I've done so. However, I think that writing is healthy and that, like public speaking or carrying conversation, the more you do it, the easier it becomes. So bare with me as this blog is a transitional piece and thus will not be of anything too thought provoking since to tell the truth, my mind has been lost in this silly environmental Biology class I'm taking (which, in truth, isn't that boring, just tough) not to mention preparing to leave for school. Yes, NJ, I am soon to leave you, but do not be saddened, I will return to grace you with my presence on occasion. But anyway, I am taking two summer courses to try and hack down my credits. The more I get the merrier I am and the closer I get to returning to that which I wish to pursue,i.e. my dream of writing Catholic children's stories and Catholic periodicals for the promotion of the Latin mass. If I may digress for a moment... It amazes me what a person has to go through the be considered qualified for a job these days. A degree is no longer enough for companies to look at you or think you competent. Sorry SMN. I hear that many businesses want a Masters as a minimum if you hope to compete for a nice position. Now me, I don't see myself ever being stuck in that position in life. I pray I'm never stuck in an office, staring at a computer screen and falling into those periods of boredom "funk" that I've found myself frequently in at my present job. I pray that in five years I am either married with children, in a convent, or teaching children in a little private Catholic school that promotes orthodox Catholic teachings and traditions. I shall wait and see what the good God has planned for me. It's something I pray about a lot now. You know, I am soon to be 26 and though everyone tells me that's young, it really isn't. I think to myself, what in the world have you done in 26 years? What do I plan on doing with the time I still have left on this planet? As for now, I am moving out of the area and finishing school elsewhere, thanks be to God, which I hope will lead me closer towards knowing my vocation and finally fulfilling it. I have two years to finish school and then we shall see. So for all you people in the world who feel you are the only one that doesn't know where you're life is headed and feel that you've done nothing with your life, be comforted and know you are not alone. I am with you. Now I must head off to say the 3 o'clock rosary and then prepare for my incredible job at HM. I shall return to you again soon, I promise and hopefully will have something more interesting to discuss. I'm thinking, the concepts of molecular biology and the mind of God. How's that for being simple?! Ta ta for now mes amies.