04 March 2007

Into the Woods

Into the woods we must begin,
To take the time to walk within;
To ponder over leaves and streams,
And think of all those longed for dreams.

Give self a chance to stop and see,
The world around which lives for thee.
The sky above with purest blue
And earth below all lush and new.

Though time is short we're still alive
To take the chance to love and thrive.
So stop and stroll along that way
Where your heart longs to rest and pray.

Into the woods you must now go
To seek that place where you can grow.
Be thou content seek out that place
Into the woods, God waits with grace.

~This is for those of us who need stop and listen to our souls cry to retire from the routines of our lives. I pray it reminds us all to not ignore the urges we feel to go into the woods of our souls and rest a while. God calls us- let's not keep Him waiting.
A blessed Lent to you all.
Anne Marie

1 comment:

Novian said...


I like the poem. (I am assuming that it's a Skalecki original.) It is very nice. One criticism I must make, however, is that you switch between the informal and formal second-person several times. It's rather confusing.

I like your new profile picture, too. :-)