17 September 2006

Preview for "The paradox of pain"

My life has again flipped upside down and I am now no longer a Jersey girl. Praise be Jesus! There is so much I would love to write about, so much that my mind is thinking and my heart is feeling about the pains I have been through and the joys I have had but I cannot now go into detail as I have to make dinner and study for phun phun physics. God help me. Anyhow, I feel like this blog is a thing of the past though I hope to soon change that. I will have to see whether I can keep up between studies, working etc. For now though, here is a little paradox for you to contemplate until I return again. Think long and hard about what it is saying. It is something we all can learn so much from if we consider the truth it contains. Happy dwelling...
"I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.”
~Mother Theresa.
P.S. This title of this post is a preview for a future post I intend to write. I think the theme is one worth my sacrificing a Friday night over. Please check back again.