31 December 2005

New Year's Reflections in Virginia

Good evening y'all. I write you this post from my old home town of Fairfax,Virginia and my goodness, how the memories are flooding into my mind. And as they do I hear my favorite radio station (Classical 103.5) playing one of my favorite pieces by Beethoven, his 7th symphony. I can't believe it! You know, it is the little stuff that touches my heart so dearly. It's so moving to hear the flutes play daintily with the brass trumpets and violins. It's most haunting!! Don't call me crazy but I think God speaks to me through music. Music reaches something in my soul like nothing else does except maybe one thing which I will go unnamed. Oh, how I hear Him tonight. My heart is melting with emotion and I wish I had someone here to share this with. But since I have no one, I thought I'd invite the cyber world to enjoy it with me. So thanks to those of you who are here reading my insignificant thoughts. I know this means nothing to you but it means so much to me knowing that I am semi-sharing what is happening inside of me with you. You may be asking yourself "Is this life so lonely for some that they must resort to an electrical journal for comfort?" Yes, but that's okay. I'd rather that than go crazy by having this feeling built up in me and cause me such frustration that I have to scream. I like to scream- not too loud, just high pitched. It's so much fun. Try it especially if you like to sing. It's a great way to open up your vocal cords. I'm serious by the way. I do this before I sing for anything. It's a professional singer's secret. Moving on though, I have had a most unusual day. For one thing, I spent my afternoon having lunch with my old boyfriend from high school and afterwards traveling down roads I have not navigated in almost six years. My favorite road, Route 66 (well, not really but it's an easy road to drive on and I know it like the back of my hand) was one I found myself on today. I love driving on it as the sun sets behind the majestic mountains called the Blue Ridge. They are so regal, so blue(my favorite color). They are what I call Our Lady's mountains. Once did I drive through them. It was a drive I'll never forget. I love to drive alone around here. When I was in high school I would drive down roads and just drive without stopping not knowing where I was or to where I was going. Those were moments of great contemplation. Now I drive to nowhere and to nowhere fast being that I live in the worst part of NJ, yet this, I'm hoping, is to soon to change. I miss and love the country. It has everything a melancholic girl like myself could want. There is so much to think about, so much to see, so much move the heart and inspire one to dream. I pray God puts me somewhere out in the hills or mountains. They make it so easy to pray.
Before I wrap up this rather informal post I do wish to say a few last things. Yes, I miss VA, I miss the mountains,I miss people I no longer see, however I cannot allow myself to get too attached to any person, place or thing which I meet with upon my brief stay on this planet- none of us can. This world is passing and is one which we must be in yet not of. Nothing should divert our hearts or minds away from getting to that one place we should so long to go to, Heaven. I spoke to a priest in confession today about my life and he gave me some excellent advice. He said if you want to get to Heaven quickly, do well whatever it is God wants of you, and suffer it with love and in a short while He will take you home. He warned me that it is to those people who begrudgingly do whatever it is He asks of them who stay longer. So tonight as I conclude a truly memorable 2005, I have decided upon my new year's resolution... it is to do everything God wishes I do and suffer anything that hurts my heart or breaks my will so that He will soon take me to Himself and allow me to love Him forever in eternity. I pray this happens to me and I pray it happen soon. No I'm not in despair, I simply long for eternity. So Lord, make me ready and make me ready as quickly as possible for I want so much to be with you and to be in a place where I will never have to say goodbye again. (Wouldn't that be nice?)
A blessed new year to y'all. Please say a prayer for me that I get home safe. God keep you safe and close to His Heart Sacred Heart. Buone Anne!

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