16 December 2005

My Brief Sabbatical

To those who are reading my blog I ask you to please remember my in your prayer as I have a killer final on Tuesday in British Literature which I am not looking forward to. Grazie Mille! And Deo Gratias, thus far I've received two A's for the semester: one in Public Speaking (a minor miracle) and one in Geography and hopefully another on the way in Logic. Surprisingly, my Logic final was a challenge. I was even the last to finish the test. There we were, Fleeger and myself. He stood there pensively waiting for me to finish so he could go celebrate his 36th birthday at his favorite south Philly bar. I didn't care that I was the only one left; we had another hour and twenty minutes left in the period. I take my time, what can I say. I did study for the exam, but there were bizarre questions on it which I was not expecting. Why do teachers have to throw in asinine questions that are hardly discussed in class? Blast them! For example, Plato's "Gyges Ring." We discussed that for maybe a span of seven seconds. Good heavens Fleeger, what a stretch. And Fleeger, by the way, I have it on good authority (thank you FS) that St. Augustine did not say that evil does not exist; yes, man's ability to choose evil is impossible but not because evil does not exist, rather because man is incapable of choosing that which is evil for evils sake. He can choose evil but he chooses it as a form of relative good. This is not to say that evil is least form of good. Evil cannot exist without good but it is not a part of good, it is the absence of it. There is a difference. I didn't think that Augustine would be so false. No offense, but I suggest you not teach this information again until you receive a proper Thomistic theology course, and I don't mean one taught by a Jesuit, not unless he follows the Church prior to 1968. One day when you are a Catholic you'll understand why I say this.
Well, I am forcing my eyes to stay open so it's time for me to ten,four. Until I next resume living, i.e. once I've completed the semester, I want to wish everyone a very blessed Christmas. Please savor every day of it. What? Didn't you know? Christmas is 12 days long. God knows how to have a party, doesn't He? So enjoy it and enjoy it the way He intended. I will be in touch soon. God speed you all and keep you warm. Just think, spring is only three months away! Oh, I can smell the mimosa trees now.
OH, one last note... Congratulations to Nick Beck and Mary Heffernan on their engagement. What a beautiful couple you two will become. May the Holy Family bless you both.

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