30 November 2005

The English Mind of the Me

Some people ask me why I have chosen English as my major. My answer... to further my ability to communicate both orally and textually those traditions and beliefs I hold most near to my heart. Though all majors are good, none of them allow the student to understand how to communicate their ideas like English and for this reason I choose it for my primary study.
English is a beautiful language when it’s spoken properly, yet who speaks it in its pure form anymore? So few children today know how to write well or express their thoughts verbally which I suspect is due to a lack of proper education in this field. Not only is writing and oral expression a necessity in this life, it is also something that we use for the bulk of our human existence. How can a person do anything without the practical use of good communication? Indeed, they won’t go far in life without this practical skill. Additionally, who doesn’t love that sense of satisfaction one gets after having successfully expressed to others what one believes and feels? It’s a moment of great pleasure to be sure, but most young people don’t know what they’re missing and this must end.
In my field of work, which, please God, will be teaching, I hope to associate whatever texts or assignments we have to work on with our glorious Catholic faith. (This assumes I will be teaching in a Catholic institute.) This won’t be too arduous of a task I can assure you. Through my own years of study, I have come to be amazed as to how much scandal lurks in the pages of classical literature. This being such, I hope to disclose these sinful behaviors to the students since much of what happened centuries ago is happening today and this would be a ripe opportunity to discuss with them why these behaviors are wrong and then go into the consequences of these sinful acts. This will be where those fun five page essays assignments come into play. Doesn’t everyone love to write?
Though all of what I have mentioned is fine and noble, I should mention that the real passion in my heart beats for something far superior. There is nothing in this life which would please me more than to be spread the truth of Christ to those who have never had a chance to know it. Today, I see a world permeated with immorality and apostasy and my heart aches to think of where these poor souls will be unless someone is out there educating them by exposing the lies the world has sold to them.
The American culture needs to be reformed by our living out our Catholic faith and a great place to start is with our youth by giving them a proper Catholic education which has been robbed from our world. As St. Thomas More believed faith works with reason and if we can bring this great faith to our children by proper formation both in areas academic and religious , then I have faith that we might have a chance of rescuing our world from the grip of Satan and restore, to and through Christ, His wayward children.
So why English and not Theology? While religion is my love one must be practical, I have to work, I have to eat. (I’ll master in theology :)
St. Thomas More, St. Ignatius and St.Angela Merici, pray for us and save our sullied schools and our slothful students.

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