11 January 2006

Sweetly You

Sweetly you dream in worlds far away,
Sweetly you rest in arms that do sway,
Sweetly you hear this song that I sing,
Sweetly you trust this love which I bring.

Sweetly you smile as I kiss your fair head,
Sweetly you lay as I put you to bed.
Sweetly you call as you cry in the dark,
Sweetly you hope I shall not depart.

Sweetly you hold my finger so tight,
Sweetly you breath in the still of the night.
Sweetly you glow in the still of the morn
Sweetly you rise as the new day is born.

Sweetly you force my thoughts turn to you,
Sweetly you make my soul live anew,
Sweetly you now and forever she be,
Sweetly you,Godchild ,my dearest Hayley.

Tutti Mi'Amore.

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