23 December 2005

Hope of Christ, Espouse Me

For all of those who suffer or who know the pain of feeling your heart ache in agony or who feel there is no hope in this wretched world, listen to the words I have posted below. Know that I commiserate with you should you be feeling such things, for I too know what it is to have a heart that is broken and I know what it is to want to despair. Yet, we must believe that there is a God who is aiding us in these hours of grief, otherwise, all that Christ suffered and died for was in vain. And this cannot be so. Our lesson then is this- to keep your eyes on our goal; we mustn't lose the sight of Him whom we must strive to imitate and to love. He knows us; He knows our hearts and He sees our tears. But every good Father must discipline those whom He loves. And every good doctor must hurt his patient in order to heal him. God is our Father, God is our Divine doctor. He does all with love. Believe this, just keep going and hope...he who perseveres shall gain eternal life.

"The Everlasting God has in His wisdom foreseen from eternity the cross He now presents to you as a gift from His inmost Heart. This cross He now sends you He has considered with His all-knowing eyes, understood with His divine mind, tested with His wise justice, warmed with loving arms and weighed with His own Hands, to see that it be not one inch too large and not one once too heavy for you. He has blessed it with His Holy Name, anointed it with His grace, perfumed it with His consolation, taken one last glance at you and your courage, and then sent it to you from heaven, a special greeting from God to you, an alms of the all-merciful love of God."
St. Francis de Sales


Anne Marie said...

Dear Petra,

Your son was very kind to me and I was happy to correspond with him, however, I still did not believe that what he did was right. I have read information on the SSPX and I don't hate the society or its members, but I don't agree with some of the ideas they hold regarding the Novus Ordo. I refuse to believe that it is Satan's mass, as your son believes it to be or that it is a sin to attend it which he also believes. This to be is a schismatic attitude and I cannot allow myself to give my heart to a man like that unless he is open to seeing things from a more rational perspective. You may disagree with what I'm saying but this is yet another reason why I cannot stay in communication with him, not to mention the fact that he wrote me a very rude reply to my rather catering rebuke on the subject thus mentioned. I'm sorry that he hasn't found a woman to marry, I pray one day he does, but I do not feel that I'm the one for him. I will pray for you and your children, I know how difficult our times are. By the way, this blog was not written because of your son. God bless...

Anne Marie said...

Dear Petra

You seem to imply that I like the new mass. I don't. I never said I attend it. I don't (any more at least). You rashly assume that I gleefully support something that is seriously defective and harmful to our faith. I do not! All I am saying is that the mass is valid, horrid though it be. That is the point I want to stress to you. Padre Pio did not say the new mass was invalid, he just asked not to say it. I take that same position; I will not say it is invalid but I can choose not to attend it. I will not say that every consecration is valid, there are great abuses that manifest themselves at them, but again we cannot say that every mass is abusive. We cannot judge that. We cannot judge what only those who know such things can judge. For if what you say is true, then that would mean that the Holy Father himself committs a grave sin every time he says a mass. I do not believe this. I am in full support of the Latin mass and have committed myself to promoting and preserving it; it is what I love more than anything, but the new mass is valid and I base my judgments off of priests who have been trained in the Tridentine rite. I trust them to guide me, and they like myself do not like the new mass, but do not say that it is invalid or sinful. And be careful not to jump to conclusions regarding individuals because by doing so you're presuming judgement which is a path I fear to tred. Remember, in meekness and in charity did Christ come, not in wrath. We have a long road ahead before we ever see this mess cleaned up and we need to be supporting each other while remaining under our Lady, under our Lord and under our Pope. I pray that Christ the King resolve this crisis. It's ridiculous that we should be arguing over this at all. God save us and God save the mass.
